
Year 7

 TerM Autumn 1 AUTUMN 2 Spring 1 SPRING 2 Summer 1 SUMMER 2




Introduction to Drama.

Basic drama skills learned and practised.

Glooms Manor.

A focus on building character and dramatic tension in performance.

Commedia Dell Arte.

Learning the conventions of Commedia dell Arte and performing stock characters and stock Commedia plotlines.

The Island.

Learning and performing key devising and advanced characterisation skills.

Anne Frank - Life in Hiding.

Learning new drama skills to explore the story

Live Theatre Review .

To develop students appreciation of live theatre and develop their ability to deconstruct how actors and designers use skills to create audience impact.

Play: National Theatre's Peter Pan





Year 8

 TerM Autumn 1 AUTUMN 2 Spring 1 SPRING 2 Summer 1 SUMMER 2






Using research and historical context to build accurate plots and characters. Introduction to working with script.

The Room.

Using key skills learned to build tension and character. Exploration of character motivation.

Soap Star.

Learning new drama techniques and using them to to explore popular culture and the media.

Bully Script.

Using new Drama techniques and script writing techniques to explore bullying.


Learning the key conventions of melodrama and performing the stock characters and plot lines.

Live Theatre Review.

To develop students appreciation of Musical Theatre and to further develop their ability to deconstruct how actors and designers use skills to create audience impact in this style.

















Year 9

 TerM Autumn 1 AUTUMN 2 Spring 1 SPRING 2 Summer 1 SUMMER 2





Crime and Punishment.

Learning how to empathise and create unbiased opinion and creating naturalistic performances using advanced Drama skills.

Stage Combat.

Learning and applying the key stage-combat moves to performances including looking at safe performance practice.

London Riots.

Learning about contemporary events, using research and advanced drama skills to devise work that is relevant and meaningful.

Artaud (practitioners).

Learning the key theories of 3 theatre practitioners and applying these to performance.

Approaches to text.

Learning how to approach performing a play text using new skills and ways of working.



Live Theatre Review.

To develop students appreciation of show that are based on historical events and to deconstruct the Director's interpretation. Students will choose to either focus on the performance or designers element for this SOL


















Year 10 & 11

Information Pending

Subject Documents Date  
Drama Curriculum Rationale 10th Jan 2023 Download