SEND and The Cullum Centre

Thank you for taking the time to visit the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) section of our website. Information on the local authority’s local offer can be found here.

At Rodborough School, students learn in inclusive classrooms.  We strive to ensure that our community fully supports pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.  Inclusion is an embedded principle and SEND pupils are fully integrated into the life of the school.  We operate a continuum of provision to provide a graduated approach to SEN.  Universal, targeted and specialist support is put place to ensure all pupils reach their full potential.

Please find further detail on our graduated approach to SEN below.

Graduated provision summaryWe are committed to staff training and run a professional development programme for our staff on quality first teaching.  Our SEND department use observation and feedback to inform the early identification of need, referrals and to support staff by responding to whole school training needs.

We commit to:

  • Ensuring all pupils have high quality teaching in their lessons.
  • Meeting the needs of pupils with educational healthcare plans.
  • Ensuring that we meet the needs of pupils with physical disabilities as far as our site allows.
  • Communicating provision with pupils and parents and continuing to develop this partnership.
  • Planning lessons to ensure fair access to the curriculum and provide academic and social opportunities for all.

The Rodborough School SEND Bulletin is issued termly and includes information on initiatives, workshops, events and organisations that could be useful for young people with SEN and their families. Click here to download the latest edition. 

Meet our Team

At Rodborough we have a highly skilled SEN team who work across the school and in our Cullum Centre.  We include specialists in Autism, ELSA, Maths, Science, English and Lego therapy. 

Mrs C Beardsmore- Rust

Assistant Principal and SENCO

Mrs M Wildeman

Head of Cullum

Ms B Fountoukos

Assistant SENCO

Mrs H Eng

SEN Administrator

Mrs T Cowley

Lead Learning Support Assistant (ASD Lead)

Mrs N Marson

Lead Learning Support Assistant (Intervention Lead)

Mrs L Hunter

Learning Support Assistant

Dr J Jones

Learning Support Assistant

Miss N Rayner

Learning Support Assistant

Mrs M Ormond

Learning Support Assistant

Mrs M Osmanovic

Learning Support Assistant

Mrs A Pearce

Learning Support Assistant 

Mrs O Sabadash

Learning Support Assistant

Mrs B Urquhart

Learning Support Assistant

Mr J Rhodes Learning Support Assistant

The Rodborough NAS Cullum Centre

The Rodborough NAS Cullum Centre welcomed its first intake of four, Year 7 students in September 2016.  

The National Autistic Society, together with generous financial backing from the Cullum Family Trust, has provided a model for an innovative resource for young autistic people to be able to thrive in our mainstream curriculum.

NAS Cullum Centre students spend the majority of their time in the main school, but the centre provides specialist support from trained staff, such as learning in small groups and therapy sessions, as well as a calm setting to which they can retreat. NAS Cullum students have a primary diagnosis of autism on their statement/EHCP, will be high functioning and have the academic potential to achieve at least five good GCSEs (currently 5-9 grades).

Each year Surrey SEN offers places to four students with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Statement with a primary diagnosis of autism.  Places in the NAS Cullum Centre are allocated by Surrey LA after consideration by a multi-professional team at Surrey's COIN Panel.  Places in the NAS Cullum Centre at Rodborough are limited and will only be considered through SEN case workers or educational psychologists in conjunction with families.

Please note: Rodborough School is not the Admissions Authority for places in the NAS Cullum Centre.  For all details, information and advice on the admissions process please visit the Surrey County Council website: and

If you are considering the Rodborough NAS Cullum Centre for your child and you would like more information before you speak to Surrey please feel free to contact
Mrs M Wildeman, Head of Cullum.

Our SEN information report addresses some commonly asked questions and gives further detail of Rodborough Schools SEND Provision.

SEN information report


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