
Year 7

 TerM Autumn Spring 1 spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2




Why do we care about 1066? Why did Becket’s murder cause a ‘tremor’ throughout Europe? What was life really like for Arthur and Gatty? (Medieval life) What was life really like for Arthur and Gatty? (Medieval life) What made a good king in the Middle Ages? What made a good king in the Middle Ages? What happened to the Prince in Tower?















Year 8

 TerM Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 spring 2 Summer 1 summer 2




How did the Middle Ages come to an end? Why are we obsessed with the Tudors? Why are we obsessed with the Tudors? What was it like to live through the English Civil War? What was it like to live through the English civil War? Why did Britain want to rule the world? What did the British Empire achieve? Did the Industrial Revolution improve life for Britons?















Year 9

 TerM Autumn 1 autumn 2 spring 1 spring 2 summer 1 summer 2




What does the Titanic reveal about Edwardian Britain? Did one bullet kill millions? (WW1)/What was it like to fight in the trenches? What was it like to fight in the trenches? How did WW1 change life in Britain? How did WW1 change life in Britain? Why did the Holocaust happen? How did the Nazis come to power in 1933? Why did the Holocaust happen?















Year 10 & 11

Information Pending

Subject Documents Date  
History Curriculum Rationale 10th Jan 2023 Download