
Year 7

 TerM Autumn 1 AUTUMN 2 Spring 1 SPRING 2 Summer 1  SUMMER 2

French 1 period a week in Y7

‘La rentrée' (talking about yourself and others) 'En classe' (talking about life at school) 'En classe' (talking about life at school) 'Mon temps libre' (hobbies) 'Mon temps libre' (hobbies) 'Ma vie de famille' (my family and I)
French 2 periods a week in Y7 ‘La rentrée' (talking about yourself and others) 'En classe' (talking about life at school) 'En classe' (talking about life at school) 'Mon temps libre' (hobbies) 'Mon temps libre' (hobbies) 'Ma vie de famille' (my family and I)
French 3 periods a week ‘La rentrée' (talking about yourself and others) 'En classe' (talking about life at school) 'En classe' (talking about life at school) 'Mon temps libre' (hobbies) 'Mon temps libre' (hobbies) 'Ma vie de famille' (my family and I)















Year 8

 TerM Autumn 1 AUTUMN 2 Spring 1 SPRING 2 Summer 1  SUMMER 2


French 1 period a week in Y8

'Ma vie de famille' (my family and I) ‘en ville’ (in town) ‘Vive les vacances!’ (Long live the holidays!)

‘Vive les vacances!’ (Long live the holidays!)

J’adore les fêtes’ (I love festivals)

‘J’adore les fêtes’ (I love festivals) ‘À loisir’ (free time’)
French 2 periods a week in Y8 ‘en ville’ (in town) ‘en ville’ (in town) / ‘Vive les vacances!’ (Long live the holidays!) ‘Vive les vacances!’ (Long live the holidays!) ‘J’adore les fêtes’ (I love festivals’) ‘J’adore les fêtes’ (I love festivals’) / ‘À loisir’ (free time) ‘À loisir’ (free time’)
French 3 periods a week IN Y8 ‘en ville’ (in town) ‘en ville’ (in town) / ‘Vive les vacances!’ (Long live the holidays!) ‘Vive les vacances!’ (Long live the holidays!) ‘J’adore les fêtes’ (I love festivals’) ‘J’adore les fêtes’ (I love festivals’) / ‘À loisir’ (free time) ‘À loisir’ (free time’)













































Year 9

 TerM Autumn 1 AUTUMN 2 Spring 1 SPRING 2 Summer 1  SUMMER 2


French 1.5 period a week in Y9

Ma vie sociale d'ado' (talking about my social life) Ma vie sociale d'ado' (talking about my social life) 'La santé' (health and fitness) 'La santé' (health and fitness) 'Qui suis-je?' (family and relationships) 'Qui suis-je?' (family and relationships)
French 2 periods a week in Y9 ‘Ma vie sociale d'ado' (talking about my social life) ‘Ma vie sociale d'ado' (talking about my social life) / 'La santé' (health and fitness) 'La santé' (health and fitness)/ 'Mode de vie' (talking about health and lifestyle) 'Il faut bosser' (talking about jobs and money)) Allons-y' (Town and Shopping) 'Qui suis-je?' (family and relationships)
French 3 periods a week IN Y9 'Mon Temps libre' (talking about my social life/technology) 'Mon Temps libre' (talking about my social life/technology) / 'Il faut bosser' (talking about jobs and money 'Il faut bosser' (talking about jobs and money) 'Mode de vie' (talking about health and lifestyle) 'Allons-y' (Town and Shopping ''Qui suis-je?' (family and relationships)













































Year 10 & 11

Information Pending

Subject Documents Date  
MFL Curriculum Rationale 10th Jan 2023 Download