
Year 7


AutuMn 1 AutuMn 2 Spring Summer






Using our systems

An introduction to Rodborough ICT systems Students will create a user guide for the school systems.

Inside the box

What are the different components inside a computer? What do they do?

Think like a computer scientist

An introduction to the skills of the computer scientistDecomposition, abstraction, generalisation, data, algorithms and problem solving.

Programming 1(Microbits)

Learn some of the basics of programming by using BBC Microbits (and maybe Robots)





Year 8


Autumn 1 AUTUMN 2 Spring Summer






What is software?

Explore the different types of software including OS, Firmware, Malware, and antivirus. Students will produce an animated guide to software.

Binary & heroes of computer science.

Some history of the development of computers An introduction to the importance of binary, and how it works.

Programming 2 (HTML)

Learning what HTML is and how it works. An evaluation of some websites and introduction to design. Students will learn how to plan a web site and build it in HTML and Notepad ++.

Band Manager.

Students will use their spreadsheet skills to manage THE SHAKES - an up and coming band. Students will produce a PowerPoint presentation of a sales pitch.





Year 9


Autumn 1 AUTUMN 2 Spring Summer






Programming 3 (PythonL)

Learn the basics of coding in a written language. Assessment: Students will plan and code a program to work out the areas of shapes.

Christmas Party

Develop your spreadsheet skills to help organise the Computing Dept. Christmas party.

Mobile Devices

Learn about software and hardware in a mobile device. Use your knowledge to design a mobile device for a 7 year old or a 70 year old. Students will write a pitch selling their device to W Doors at Nokia.

Making Games

Learn about what makes a good game. Spend some time designing and making a game using Microsoft’s Kodu.

Year 10 & 11

Information Pending

Subject Documents Date  
Computer Science Curriculum Rationale 09th Jan 2023 Download